Etowah : a Romance of the Confederacy

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Like most of his race, Zeke talked to himself while alone at work, or sang lowly por- tions of hymns peculiar to African hymnology.
He frequently talked to the fowls, which crowded around him, eager to get anything which he might bestow upon them.
On the day selected by Barnum for his adventure, the old man had admitted some pet hens into the garden, " to help me rake it, chickens,'' he affirmed. He would dig a few spades full of earth, carefully turning it over each time, the poultry watching
...him as if deeply interested in his investi- gations.
" Whar all de wurms gone to, chickens?" lie asked. Then he dug again, and threw toward them the worms.
'' You'se all de same age — j^ou is — and you kin jist fight over dem wurms : fust come, fust sarved is de rule." After a while a cock, which had been trying to get into the gar- den, succeeded in flying over the fence and dispersing the hens, as he rapidly executed that political maxim, " to the victor belong the spoils," pursuing finally a hen that had not succeeded in swallowing her prize.

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Etowah : a Romance of the Confederacy
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