Evolution And Effort: And Their Relation to Religion And Politics

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Evolution And Effort: And Their Relation to Religion And Politics
Edmond Kelly
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Meanwhile we are confronted with the fact that the working peo- ple of this land are gradually acquiring political convictions which contain much that is true and much that is not true. Every one of those milliona PROBLEM OF SOCIALISM. 209 has as much to say at the polls as the most skilful political economist in the country. He does not read from books of political economy ; he reads the newspapers. He does not read the newspapers that are politically opposed to him ; he reads the news- papers... which mirror and exaggerate his own opin- ions. He wields a power which, when he learns how to exercise it, is great enough to wreck the entire social fabric, and put civilisation back where it was when the sands of the Sahara were allowed to bury the monuments of Egypt. On every man who has a head to understand these questions, and who has a heart to wish them solved for the benefit of his conn- try and to the diminution of the misery of his fel- low-creatures, lies the responsibility of taking tbe steps necessary to see that the great working force of the nation is directed to its advancement and not to its destruction.

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Evolution And Effort: And Their Relation to Religion And Politics
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