Evolution of the Budget in Massachusetts

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This act in itself, and in the principle which it laid down, represented the most important single advance in the financial administration of Massachusetts since 1910.^ It was what the commission on economy and efi&ciency had termed the indispensable "first step towards budget reform." ^ The pressure of legislative business, the wide differ- ences of opinion among members of the ways and means committee, and the general apathy of the state as a whole on the budget question made it impossible to
... reach any decision with regard to the broader question of the budget.
It was therefore decided to turn the entire question over to a recess committee, a decision in which the friends of the budget and the friends of recess committees per se concurred.
In order that this committee might have time to examine the departmental estimates and to prepare a tentative budget for 1 91 8, a bill was introduced and passed requiring the submission of the estimates on October isth, a month earlier than had been the custom.* ' 1918 House Document, No.

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