Evren: Enter the Dragonette

Cover Evren: Enter the Dragonette
The book Evren: Enter the Dragonette was written by author Here you can read free online of Evren: Enter the Dragonette book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Evren: Enter the Dragonette a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Evren: Enter the Dragonette book?
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  But first, I had to get past the bullies.  Beautiful, sexy, and blonde, but you know how bullies come in all shapes and sizes.
    “And here I was thinking you had chickened out when you didn’t show up for school yesterday.”
    If Queen Melissa thought I was still going to play nice, she was wrong.  Suicidally wrong.  I hadn’t slept a wink last night.  Whether I had my eyes open or closed, the images I saw in my mind stayed the same—Zekans murdering my parents, Zekans after me, and Zekans aft
...er Davie.
    Needless to say, thoughts of Zekans didn’t put me in a good mood.
    “Don’t draw attention to yourself,” the Voice spoke inside my head just as I opened my mouth to let small-town Barbie know exactly what I was capable of.  And I wasn’t even talking about my Evren powers.
    “You’re going to endanger everyone—yourself and even your sister.”

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Evren: Enter the Dragonette
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