Exclusive Interview

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He'd led me down the stairs instead of into the elevator and he'd taken the steps two at a time, the hard soles of his fine shoes clattering against the concrete and echoing like gunshots in the narrow industrial stairwell.
    I nearly sprained my ankle several times jumping down after him, and I thought, ridiculously, that this was one of the reasons he hadn't chosen Megan: her red high heels would have been ill-suited to keep up with a man as driven and busy as Kent Hudson.
    At the bottom,
... Hudson pushed open the heavy metal door and charged into the parking garage as though he were late for his very important date with two blond nymphomaniac twins. I had to jog to keep pace with him, and by the time he stopped I was completely out of breath. It turns out that lying on your sister's couch for a week was not conducive to maintaining one's cardiovascular health. I stumbled to a stop and stood there, panting, as Hudson held up his key fob and unlocked his car.

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