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Is. Incredible. I can feel it coming for me, crashing down around me like giant waves against the jagged rocks of a windswept peninsula. Fuck me. I try to reach behind myself to open out my ass-hole even more, but Bain bats my hands away. He wants to push me there on his own, and he's doing a damn fine job of it as well. He's hung this boy, and he knows how to use his cock. That can't be said for everyone this big, and it certainly hasn't been the truth in the past. Daniel could never do it for ...me, that's why he went to look elsewhere. That's it. Oh fuck. It's coming.
“Harder”, I demand.
He fucks me harder as though under my command. I could take this boy home for real. Bain could be my man slave, my servant, but it doesn't work like that.
“Harder”, I order again.
Oh fuck this is going to be incredible. I can feel the waves of it already, much stronger than a vaginal orgasm. Much longer lasting than a clitoral one. Fuck. They're coming like contractions. Pull my hair tighter, spank my ass, and oh fuck, it's here.

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