Exile's Challenge (2012)

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Her husband stared gape-mouthed at the disheveled officer, a frown forming on his pudgy face. Alyx Spelt’s was disdainful, as if he considered Var’s dramatic entrance in poor taste. Only Jared Talle exhibited no emotion, simply setting down his knife and fork and looking at Var with darkly questioning eyes.
“Forgive me.” Var offered Celinda a brief bow. He supposed he did look somewhat disreputable: Gerry’s blood stained his coat and tunic, and likely his face. “Inquisitor, I must speak with you
Talle motioned that he continue, but Wyme raised a hand that still clutched a napkin and said, “Surely not here, Inquisitor. My wife …” He gestured at Celinda, who slumped back in her chair, ample bosom heaving as a servant flapped an ineffectual hand before her face. “Nathanial—smelling salts!”
Var said, “It were better told privately,” glancing at the servants, and Talle nodded, rising.
“The study, gentlemen.”
The Inquisitor led the way as if he owned the mansion, Wyme hobbling on his crutches behind, and it was Talle ordered the servant to stoke the fire and light the lamps, who bade the man leave.

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