Explorations And Adventures in New Guinea

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Explorations And Adventures in New Guinea
Strachan, John, 1862-1907
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By noon we were sailing along the coast within a few hundred yards of the shore, but to one acquainted with Southern New Guinea from the Papuan Gulf to the westward, the country here presents a marked contrast. There we first beheld a low swampy mangrove shore with mud-flats extending miles to the seaward. Here we had a bold coast line : mountains rising abruptly from the water's edge to the height of many thousand feet, densely wooded from base to summit, whilst dashing down their precipitous
...sides 176 Explorations in New Guinea.
were streams of excellent fresh water. The depth of water is so great, — ninety and a hundred fathoms — ^that we sailed along within a stone's throw of the shore in perfect safety.
We reached McClure's Gulf at four p.m. and to- wards evening entered a small bay in the centre of which stood a solitary rock. Inside of this we anchored at six p.m. in eight fathoms of water between the main- * land and the small island of Wass. So soon as all was secured, the boat was launched and we rowed round the island.

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Explorations And Adventures in New Guinea
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