Extinction Machine

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It was something Tull found oddly endearing. He’d seen kids do that on TV, and sometimes when he looked into windows in the dark of night. That’s how Tull learned a lot about families. Watching them through windows. He’d done it for as long as he could remember. Once he saw an old man doing the tongue thing while he rewired a toaster.“Last one,” said Aldo, his tongue back in his mouth, small beads of nervous sweat on his forehead. He set the modified pigeon drone very carefully on the desk and p...ushed his wheeled chair away.“You’re sure they can take the weight?” asked Tull.Aldo shrugged. “I stripped out everything but the motor and the GPS. As long as we don’t want them to fly high or for long, they should be okay. We got to be careful not to let ’em fly into a telephone pole or something. The central switch is only held by a little bit of that ionized gel stuff. Hit it too hard and … well, that would suck very, very large moose dick.”“Noted,” said Tull.They each took one pigeon and carried it to the rear window, then went back for the others.

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Extinction Machine
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Guest 6 years ago

jesas crist

Guest 6 years ago

its jesus christ

Guest 6 years ago


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Guest 6 years ago

no it was horrible

Guest 6 years ago


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