Extract From An Address Delivered On the Morning of May 31, 1826

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When such an impression is made for us, and such an influence exerted, can we regard it as any thing less, than a distinct indication of heaven what is our duty ? Can we doubt whether Ave are called upon to co-operate in the great and glorious work of emancipating millions from the thraldom of superstition, and opening their eye* to the light of true religion ? — Would it not be cause of deep regret to us hereafter, were the work to be achieved without us, while we were looking on only as idle ...spectators ; or were the glorious opportunity of- fered us by Providence, for want of the aid, which it was in our power to give, to be lost for ever ?
Another circumstance of present promise and encour- agement, such as can seldom be expected to recur, is closely connected with that, which has just been no- ticed. There is already on the spot at Calcutta, a man* of distinguished talents, of competent learning, of un- blemished character, and of hearty zeal in the cause ; who has been engaged for several years, in conjunction ^ Rev.

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Extract From An Address Delivered On the Morning of May 31, 1826
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