Facing Fear

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Rick wondered as he strode up the building steps, watching the morning visitors make their lines. As he had a thousand different mornings, he showed his electronic ID and walked past the cameras to the private elevators. As he had a thousand different times, he punched the button and while waiting to go up to his office, he mentally mapped out the rest of the day so he could have no other thoughts but work.
    He had done this day in and day out and rotted slowly away inside. He hadn’t cared en
...ough about Gorman’s motives when he was picked as his Task Force Two operations chief. He hadn’t questioned too deeply because he had decided that he was going to be good at one thing only, and that was doing his job to perfection. After all, his career hinged on his record, and his marred one needed repairing.
    So in his own foolish way, he paid penance for his sins. He was exactly how Gorman had shaped him—a pathetic bureaucrat who never went beyond the boundaries.

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