Falling Under

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Why?”“Lola,” Dez cut in.“Shut up!” I bellowed, I stomped towards him, “you knew didn’t you?”Dez swallowed, his Adam’s apple jerking, his eyes were sad but determined, “I wanted to tell you but you were too far gone.”“What?” I demanded, my voice dropping to ominous levels.Dez bristled and glared at me, “You’re falling in love with him.  How would it sound if I had told you the man you’d fallen in love with had murdered a mom who’d been six months pregnant with her third child and her two young gi...rls?”A moaned escaped me, “that’s not fair. I would’ve heard you …” I trailed off miserable.Dez grunted and folded his arms across his chest, “exactly. Lola. Curse me all you want but it should’ve been him who told you.”I swallowed a rush of tears, “Oh Dez,” I groaned, trying to focus on his broad open face, “don’t you see he’s had to live with that every second of his life,” I hissed fiercely.I swung to my dad, his eyes burned with sorrow for me, he inclined his head, “It’s over.

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