False Pretenses

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She sat back in her chair, trying to copy his body language.“How very flattering of you, Mr. Harley,” she said finally. “Do I take it that if I marry you, you would expect some sort of dowry?”“No,” he said, grinning at her. “You wouldn’t have to give me a dowry. Not precisely, anyway.”“Ah, the ‘not-precisely’ catch.”He grinned at her, and tossed a tortilla chip into his mouth. He said, still smiling, “All you have to do is promise to keep your fingers out of my various pies. I’m not a greedy man....”“Not a greedy man, huh? And just what are you, I wonder, Mr. Harley?”“Horny, for one thing.”“Surely you have enough funds left to relieve that particular problem.”“I have a thing for blonds.”Elizabeth said sharply, “I think that’s quite enough, Mr. Harley—”“I should have said natural blonds.”“Here is your burrito. You did order the macho, didn’t you?”“Yes, indeed,” he said. She watched him busy himself with his lunch, unperturbed.“Should I take your silence for a yes?”

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