Femme Fatale

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. . clad in a dark blue cloth dress with a corsage bouquet of red roses, a somewhat stunning hat with a big gilt arrow on the side crowned a face of some regularity of feature and from under the hat to the rear projected that arrangement of women’s hair technically known as the “Psyche twist.”—A “RATHER PRETTY” NELLIE BLY TESTIFYING BEFORE THE ASSEMBLYJUDICIARY COMMITTEE, THE ALBANY ARGUS , 1889“I’m going to be—” I muttered.“No, you are not,” Irene insisted. “We are on solid land now, Nell, and ...you will not be sick. Granted, I don’t like the view, but we will not give anyone the satisfaction of either of us being sick. We will go back to the hotel and regroup.” “Regroup.” I laughed queasily. “We are hardly a group.”So swiftly had Irene retraced our steps that we were out in the overlit evening air in no time. I suddenly felt a deep sigh escaping me and I could breathe again.“You wanted to say something to Pink,” I pointed out, rather feebly.“At this point it is best that I say nothing to anyone.

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