Field-Farings; a Vagrant Chronicle of Earth And Sky

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Field-Farings; a Vagrant Chronicle of Earth And Sky
Williams, Martha Mcculloch, Mrs
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Do you not see them at hide-and- seek among the leaves ? The moon, low in the east, has one white star for company. Over and beyond it steals the pale luminance of new-coming day. In the rare, tremulous, tender light, mark what jew- els gleam on fairy robes of pink and pearl, of yellow and crimson, and scarlet and creamy white ! No diamond has such fire, no pearl such roundness ; the most cunning work- man cannot set them so daintily about. All night long there has been high revel here, with ho...ney for the banquet and wine of perfume. The noise of it, elfin music and singing and laughter, stole into your sleep, and awoke you, with wet eyelids, from a dream of youth and love. As the homed moon climbed over the sky's rim the chant grew madder, merrier: dancers flew quick- Digitized by Google 123 er than light. Now the morning-star pales out of sight in the pink heaven. All the horns of Elfland blow a faint, final fanfare.
The sprites pelt one the other with diadem and coronet and wreathen ropes of pearl, A bird sings loud and clear, the white light strengthens, and drowsy-eyed folk who know not Juries look aixoad, and see roses — red or pale or white — all dipped and decked in dew.

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Field-Farings; a Vagrant Chronicle of Earth And Sky
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