Fighting for the Dead (2012)

Cover Fighting for the Dead
The book Fighting for the Dead was written by author Here you can read free online of Fighting for the Dead book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Fighting for the Dead a good or bad book?
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The two men were inside Lancaster Public Mortuary, the squat, single-storey detached building within the grounds of Royal Lancaster Infirmary. They were standing in front of the bank of brushed-steel doors that opened into the vast refrigerated unit in which the dead were stored at an optimum temperature so that they could be kept for as long as necessary.
There were two rows of square doors and behind each was a sliding metal tray on runners on which might, or might not, be a corpse. The little
... card slot on each door gave the game away. A card inserted with a name scribbled on it meant the space was occupied. No card meant a vacancy.
Each row consisted of ten doors and all but one had a card in the slot. Nineteen bodies: almost a full house.
From experience, Henry knew this was pretty usual. He had once been in this mortuary during a very severe winter when the place was overflowing with cadavers. Mainly bodies of old people, hit by the freezing weather, and many had been doubled up, laid on top of each other on the sliding trays.

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