[finding Emma 02.5] Dottie's Memories

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The book [finding Emma 02.5] Dottie's Memories was written by author Here you can read free online of [finding Emma 02.5] Dottie's Memories book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is [finding Emma 02.5] Dottie's Memories a good or bad book?
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Was it wrong of me to think that this was 'my' time with my little one? The bond between the two of them reminds me a lot of the one between Jack and Mary. I was always the outsider, the one who didn't understand their little jokes or side glances. I should have been the one Mary clung to, the one who had secret words with her and unspoken memories. I was the one always there for her, the one who held her at night while she cried for her daddy, the one who taught her the hardest life lessons pos...sible. So why was it to Jack she always ran?It's the same way now. I'm the one nurturing Emmie, struggling to ensure she grows up a well-rounded little girl, but it's Jack she clings to. Jack she wants. Jack who captured her heart. What did I do wrong? I know I'm not one to show my love in an outward manner. I never was. It always surprised me that Jack, who wears his heart on his sleeve, could love me like he does with us being so opposite. My mother used to say opposites never attracted, they combusted.

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[finding Emma 02.5] Dottie's Memories
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