Finding the Mayflowers!..

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The book Finding the Mayflowers!.. was written by author Here you can read free online of Finding the Mayflowers!.. book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Finding the Mayflowers!.. a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Finding the Mayflowers!.. book?
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Why, Prudence Brewster, I am glad to see you. Pray be seated.
Prudence. No, I did not come to stay. Dame Hop- kins has just been at our house, and she says that she is sure that there are flowers growing under the leaves by the forest path, and she will give a sixpence to the one who first picks some for her. So I have come to get you to go out with me.
Faith. Yes, I know. Dame Hopkins was here only a few minutes ago, and Hope and Charity have already run off to the woods to hunt for the flower
...s, — although Mother has forbidden us all to go away from the house this afternoon.
Prudence. Oh, what wicked girls, to disobey your mother. / would not think of doing anything my parents had told me not to do. But it is all right for me to go into the woods, for my mother said that I might go.
Faith (sitting down) . Well, I am sorry that I cannot go with you.
Prudence. Yes, I am sorry, too, for I never like to go into the forest alone, for fear of the Indians.
Faith. Why, the Indians will not harm you.

What to read after Finding the Mayflowers!..?
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Finding the Mayflowers!..
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