Fire & Frost

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CAIUS hadn’t expected her to. But his throat was tight and his heart pounding as he watched her struggle with his declaration.
Because I love you.
Emotions chased wildly across her face. Her expressive features were an open plain, concealing nothing—and after years of trying not to see her, he didn’t want to look away.
Finally she tore her gaze from his. Doubt settled into her furrowed brow and wariness haunted the shadows in her eyes. Still uncertain of his motives and afraid he would hurt her.
As he had so many times before.
After entering her father’s service, every time he’d returned to the sanctuary he prayed she would be there—and he prayed she wouldn’t be. Her face had been as transparent then, sweet and earnest, but he’d never trusted what he’d seen. He’d never let himself trust it.
In turn, Caius had hidden everything he’d felt for her. Elizabeth was the woman he’d wanted from the day he’d first understood what wanting was. Not just arousal or an erect prick.

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