First Lessons in Science; Designed for the Use of Children

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What reading level is First Lessons in Science; Designed for the Use of Children book?
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On the other hand, the Sun has been upon the meridian 15° East of Greenwich an hour before it was on the meridian of Greenwich ; so that when it is noon at Greenwich, it is an hour past noon at all places which have 15° East longitude, two hours after noon for places 30° East of Greenwich, and so on. Since 15° of longitude. East or West, makes a difference of one hour, or sixty minutes, in the time of two places, it follows that 1° of longitude will make a difference of four minutes : that is, any place it will be four minutes later or earlier in the day than it is at Greenwich, for every degree of longitude which the place has East or West of Greenwich. Hence, since Pietermaritz- burg is about 30J° East of Greenwich, it will be about two hours later in the day than it is at Greenwich. When it is noon at Greenwich, it will be two o'clock in the afternoon at Pietermaritzburg, which is expressed by 2 p.m. (where P.M. stands for the Latin words Post Meridiem, afternoon).
So when at Greenwich it is six in the morning, or six a.m.

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First Lessons in Science; Designed for the Use of Children
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