Flowers of Song From Many Lands; Being Short Poems And Detached Verses Gathered From Various Languages And Rendered Into English

Cover Flowers of Song From Many Lands; Being Short Poems And Detached Verses Gathered From Various Languages And Rendered Into English
Flowers of Song From Many Lands; Being Short Poems And Detached Verses Gathered From Various Languages And Rendered Into English
Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 1847-1918
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What reading level is Flowers of Song From Many Lands; Being Short Poems And Detached Verses Gathered From Various Languages And Rendered Into English book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

Why is thy heart elated or depressed?
The dust beneath thy feet was once aUve, And shall live many times again.
The wind has flown, The dust is scattered, But the stream flows on.
Man is as the wind.
And life is hke the dust, While on forever flows the stream of time.
Khushhal Khan of the Afghan Tribe of Khattak.
MISGUIDED CHARITY Along the dusty road for food a lazy beggar sought ; A cucumber to him a tender-hearted stranger gave ; " 'T is crooked," cried the graceless rogue, and cast it in th
...e ditch ; "I would not eat the shapeless thing my worthy life to save." Turkish Saying.
59 FLOWERS OF SONG TURKISH PROVERB Men catch fine fish, but, if we judge from what they say, That always is the largest fish that swims away.
ON HOLBEIN'S HALF-LENGTH PORTRAIT OF ERASMUS But half the mighty sage this canvas shows.
Whom aU the world with loving reverence knows ; Why shows it not the whole ? Surprise refrain, Him the wide earth could never quite contain.
From the Latik of Theodobe Beza.
ON A FLY ENGRAVED IN A GOLDEN DRINKING-CUP In golden cup of sparkling wine I drew my latest breath : How could I ask a nobler tomb, Or crave a sweeter death ?

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