For Days And Days; a Year-Round Treasury of Child Verse

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FOR DAYS AND DAYS 169 June Is Such a Bonny Time u UNE is such a bonny time — Bird and flower weather — Time for song and love and rime — Time to be together; Time for hoops and sails and wings, Butterflies and happy things.
I Heard a Little Fairy Say T HEARD a little fairy say: "It's very dark within, Please open wide, dear flower-door.
And let the sunshine in." And there before my very gaze The flower opened wide; And perched upon a stamen top, A fairy sat inside.
"How do you do, small fairy,
...I wish you a good day," The fairy dropped a curtsy.
Then quickly flew away.
170 FOR DAYS AND DAYS I Took a Little Seed to You I TOOK a little seed to you; You planted it, and straight it grew Into a tall tree, strong and fair.
That spread cool branches in the air.
And swallows came and nested there.
Now all the world is glad indeed For that small seed.
Bed and White Roofs ED and white roofs, and the sky Star-studded blue.
Up there in the air, high, O high.
That's you. Our Flag, that's you!

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For Days And Days; a Year-Round Treasury of Child Verse
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