Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands January December 1914 July Decembe

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Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands January December 1914 July Decembe
Philippines Bureau of Customs
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1, 341 1, 666 .... 3, 094 11 9, 276 Belgium Denmark v 1, 420 7 France _ .. . .
4, 781 _. 18, 959 Germany 30, 821 Italy 774 961 919 Netherlands 1, 985 Russia 9 3 811 8, 101 6, 591 1 7 206 5, 872 10, 141 1, 734 Sweden 2 _ :.
3 7 Switzerland China 285 51, 853 13, 552 12, 572 British East Indies 13, 315 4, 647 26, 342 2, 623 1 Dutch East Indies French East Indies 15 699 14, 068 Hongkong, Japan ----- 1, 841 14, 923 5 -. 68 931 6, 0-78 175 Siam 349 Australasia. _ German Oceania 887 914 31 4 : 748 3
...1 10 5 Egypt - Total i 311, 517 485, 644 197, 383 Total imports 48, 588, 653 ....
53, 312, 786 ....
28, 038, 948 127 Countries of origin, quantities, and values of all commodities imported for the fiscal (calendar) years 1914 and 1918, etc. Continued.
RECAPITULATION. Twelve months ending December Values of imports by coun- tries of origin.
United States 1914 1913 July to December, 1913.
Free of ] duty. I $23, 818, 124 242, 248 10, 344 > 25 517, 750 16 3, 580 13, 126 120, 762 331, 758 ?ree and dutiable.

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Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands January December 1914 July Decembe
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