Forever Changes

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He pulled a computer box and a printer from the closet.
“Whoa, Dad!  How’d you afford that?”
Dad smiled.  “Well, I got a big advance from another bike customer, and with my employee discount, this was only four hundred bucks, so it’s not that bad.  But I’m gonna need to keep some records—you know, what I buy from who, who owes me money, this kind of stuff.  So far I just have this”– he pulled out a cheap spiral notebook— “And I’m starting to get confused, and I’d like to be able to give somebody
... an invoice that looks professional.”
Brianna looked at Dad, standing there in a sleeveless T-shirt with some splatters on it from the sauce he’d heated up for their spaghetti dinner, and his bike tinkering jeans, which had grease and dirt all over them, and smiled.  A month ago, the idea of Dad saying he was concerned about professionalism would have been bizarre, and even now it didn’t seem to fit with the person standing in front of her.
“Okay.  Let’s get started.”  They managed to get the computer turned on, and Brianna got Minesweeper running, but once they got into trying to set up a spreadsheet for Dad’s new business, they hit a wall.  Brianna knew that Dad was expecting her to be some computer whiz just because she was younger than him, but she had only ever typed her papers on Stephanie’s or Melissa’s computer.  She knew somebody who did know computers, though.

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