Forged in Steele

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The book Forged in Steele was written by author Here you can read free online of Forged in Steele book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Forged in Steele a good or bad book?
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It was merely a clearing before the landscape plunged into dense foliage and thick trees. She’d always been mesmerized by the burst of green all around her. Everything was lush and vibrant and the air smelled clean.
No, she wasn’t a city girl nor could she ever imagine having a private practice with a cushy office and making rounds in a hospital. She loved what she did. It was immensely rewarding. It was who she was.
She’d traded her cup of tea for a glass of wine she saved for rare occasions, s
...uch as Steele cooking her a steak and their being immersed in actual conversation. If she’d had champagne, she’d have broken it out because this was definitely a moment that would likely never happen again. And though she normally removed her glasses as soon as she got home, she left them on this time. For him. Because he found them cute and sexy, and she liked that.
She sipped and savored the taste before lowering her glass to look over at Steele, who’d just pushed back his plate.
“Am I allowed to ask you personal questions, or am I supposed to just sleep with you and remain ignorant of everything but your sexual prowess?”

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