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You know it’s contagious!”
    “Like cooties,” he teased, whispering back, and then yawned again anyway.
    She frowned, deeply concerned for him. Telling jokes might have been normal for him, but not so much the constant exhaustion. “Is your little brother teething again? Because you’re a lot more tired than usual, and that’s saying a lot since you sleep through three class periods every day.”
    “No, I’m fine. Maybe it’s a growth spurt.” He winked then put his head on his desk. “Wake me up w
...hen the hour is over. Okay?”
    “You should go to the nurse,” she urged. “Fake sick and nap there.” Though she wondered if perhaps he was actually ill for a change. Either way, at least he wouldn’t humiliate himself in class.
    He groaned quietly. “Banned from that. Done it too many times this year.”
    Only you, JD, only you. She sighed, deciding to let it go.

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