Forty-One Years in India : From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief 2

Cover Forty-One Years in India : From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief 2
Forty-One Years in India : From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief 2
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Earl, 1832-1914
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{Engraved on wood from a Water-colour Sketch by Colonel Wood- thorpe, C.B., RE.) - - - To face page 146 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOLUME II.
Thb Entbange to the Bala Hisbab — The Lahore Gate at Kabul. (Engraved on wood from a Photograph) • - - To face page 232 Sketch showing the Opebations in the Ohabdeh Valley on Decembeb 10th and 11th, 1879 To face page 278 Plan to illubtbate the Defenoeb of Shebpub and THE Opebations bound Kabul in Decembeb, 1879 To face page 306 Gbobbing the Zambubae Kot (Engraved on wood from a Painting by the Chevalier Desanges) To face page 360 Plan op the Route taken fbom Kabul to Kandahab To face page 356 Sketch of the Battle-field of Kandahab To face page 368 Pobtbaits of the Thbbe Commandebsin-Chief (Sib Donald Stewabt, Sib Fbedebick Bobebts, and Sib Abthub Habdinqe) - - To face page 386 POBTBAIT OF HlS HlGHNESS AbDUB BaHMAN, AmIB OF Afghanistan. (Engraved upon steel by W. Boffe from a Photograph) - - - Tofacepa^e 393 Map of Centbal Asia - - To face page 396 ..;»'; h '.

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Forty-One Years in India : From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief 2
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