Foundation And Chaos

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The book Foundation And Chaos was written by author Here you can read free online of Foundation And Chaos book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Foundation And Chaos a good or bad book?
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The return to Trantor was both trauma and test for the robot who had been Dors Venabili. Soon she would have a new identity, and she would take a new role in the very long-range plans of R. Daneel Olivaw. But for now, this day of landing and disembarking was so similar to that time, decades before, when she had first arrived on Trantor…before she met the man she had been programmed to guard and nurture… Before Hari.
    Trantor had not changed much in the time since Dors’ death, but the few chan
...ges she was in a position to notice were not positive. Trantor looked seedier, less imposing and more decrepit. The ceil of the domes had become very noticeably more patchy, the slideways less efficient and more prone to breakdown. The smells were the same, however, and the people seemed much the same.
    Even the circumstances were the same. The last time she had traveled to Trantor, it had been with Daneel. They had each gone their separate ways upon arrival, but now they stuck together, and Dors dreaded the plan she was sure Daneel was concocting.

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