Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue

Cover Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue
The book Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue was written by author Here you can read free online of Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue book?
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The Storm That night, just after I went to bed, we had a thunderstorm. It was a really loud one, the kind that sounds like horses stamping on the roof while some crazy cowboy shoots a rifle. My mom got a little scared, so I ran out of my bedroom to keep her company.
Crash! Crack!
“What was that?” Mom shouted.
I thought about putting on my purple sneakers and silver goggles. Superheroes are supposed to be brave and check out loud noises. But it was dark outside, and mom looked like she needed me.
“No te preocupes.” She touched my cheek. “Don’t worry. We’re together.”
Another crash of thunder made us both jump. We hugged on the couch until all the roaring, pounding, and booming stopped. It was nice to have a mom to take care of.
In the morning, I left the house with my purple zapatos on my feet, my wristband on my arm, and my silver goggles in my backpack. If there was a superhero job at school, I’d be ready.
Mr. Vaslov met me at the stairs leading down to Starwood Elementary.

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Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue
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