Free Speech And An Honest Ballot

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Free Speech And An Honest Ballot
Ingersoll Robert Green
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And 1 tell you the air in wjiich it waves. Applause. '' '"" ■" This is doctrine of State Sovereignty is the vipe'r in the bosom of this Republic, and if we do not kill this viper it will kill us. (Long continued app- lause. ) The Democrats tell us that in the olden time the Feaoral Government had a riglit to cross a State line to put shackles upon iJie limbs of men. It had a righi to cross a State line to Nation. Free speech is the brain of ihe Republit an honest ballot is the breath of its lif...e; Uones money is the blood of its veins; and the idea ( nationality is its great beating, throbbing hear Applause. 1 am for a nation. And ^et th| Democrats tell me that it is dangerous to hav centralized power. How would you have it? believe in the loca!izaliou of power; 1 believe i trample upon the rights of huiuau beings, but liaviug enough of it localized in one place to I Free Speech and an Honest Balloi.
effectively used; I believe in a localization of bruin. I suppose Democrats would like to have it spread all over your body (applause and laughter), and they act as though there was.

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