French-English And English-French Dictionary of Aviation

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French-English And English-French Dictionary of Aviation
Robert Morris Pierce
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cloud, mist.
Observatenr -op^seR-va'te-R m. observer.
Oiseaa ^wa'zo m. bird.
Orienter ,o-R]a.'te tr. orientate.
s'orienter^ find one's position or bearings.
pale pal f. blade (of a propeller). I paloimier ,pa-lo'n]e m. rudder-bar, foot-lever.
panne pan f. disturbance, misfortune.
panne de moteur^ engine-trouble, motor- trouble.
parachnte ^pa-Ra^^yt m. parachute.
Digitized by LjOOQIC DICTIONARY OF AVIATION H lare-brise ,pa.R'bRi*z m. wind-shield.
latin ,pa'tg m. skid, runner, patin de queue^ tai
^tillage ^pa-ti'na*5 m. skids, runners.
jiencher /pd/^e tr. bank, tilt, incline.
pilote ;pi^lDt m. pilot.
piqner ,pi'ke intr. nose down ; dive, pique.
piquer du bec^ nose-dive.
plafond ;pla'f3 m. the (ceiling or) level reached at the end of a climb or ascent.
plafonner ^pla-fo'ne tr. end (a climb).
plan pla m. plane, aerofoil.
plan debordanty overhanging plane; overhang.
plan de dterire, vertical stabilizing-plane ; stabilizing-fin, tail-fin.
plan fixe de queue, fixed tail-plane; posterior stabilizer.

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French-English And English-French Dictionary of Aviation
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