Fresh-Water Biology

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Fresh-Water Biology
Henry Baldwin Ward
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This was one of the Cladocera, still called Daphnia pulex, the commonest species in shallow pools. These creatures he described and figured, giving an account of their structure and habits and speaking of their sudden appearance in enormous numbers, and their equally sudden dis- appearance. So the Cladocera made their debut into science along with the microscope.
For nearly a century Httle was added to the knowledge of the group. In 1755, the German, Schaeffer, gave the first really good accoun
...t of their structure. In 1785, 0. F. Mueller, the Danish naturalist, issued the first general systematic work upon Entomo- straca. This described many of the species as we now know them and gave a firm scientific basis for further knowledge of the Clado- cera. In the rapid advance of science during the latter half of the nineteenth century the systematic work of the group was substan- tially done, the Norwegian, G. 0. Sars, having contributed more than any other one man. This work showed that the Cladocera constitute the largest group of fresh-water Crustacea in number of species; the most diversified in size, in structure, and in habits.

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