From Cliff And Scaur; a Collection of Verse

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And there upon the hill's prone slope below.
The pines that call me still with whisperings sweet, Telling of glossy carpet spread beneath.
The beech, scarred with three generations' names, Whereon I carved another's name with mine, Shows faithful yet our childish pledge of love; And here beneath this oak I made for her A mimic palace from the laurel boughs.
And on a mossy throne I placed her queen.
And crowned her with the autumn's golden leaves.
30 ALICE. 31 Two children of two neighbor countr
...y homes, Our love began in those far, fateful years Whereof faint memories come to me now Like fragments of a half-forgotten dream, Or dim suggestions of a life ere this.
For life before as shadows seemed to me, A sad, strange child to whom each night would come A vision, such as new-born fancy, freed From grosser senses, can alone create.
At first, the shadow of a dream it came.
Like clouds that fade ere we can mark their place: To-day I waked with blissful memories Of eyes that smiled a moment on my sleep ; To-morrow, 't was the gleam of golden hair, And then the warm, sweet touch of little hands.

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From Cliff And Scaur; a Collection of Verse
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