Game of Love

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The book Game of Love was written by author Here you can read free online of Game of Love book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Game of Love a good or bad book?
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He knew last night was a gift, something to be treasured but not counted on. He’d heard his phone vibrating in the middle of the night and he hadn’t wanted to separate himself from Ellie. He knew that whatever it was, it would get him riled up, and for just one night, he wanted to be fully hers. He had his whole life to be owned by the PC gaming business. He had no idea how long he had with Ellie.
    Ellie’s alarm sounded at seven thirty. She stretched her arms above her head and pushed her but
...t back, grazing Dex’s thighs. She stiffened—so did he. She whipped her head around and Dex felt a slow smile grace his lips. He’d expected her to startle.
    She was Ellie, after all.
    “Hey,” she said in a raspy, sexy voice that sent a jolt of lightning to his groin.
    “Did you sleep?” she asked.
    “A little.” He ran his finger down her cheek, figuring he had about sixty seconds before she bolted from bed.

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