George Canning And His Times: a Political Study

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George Canning And His Times: a Political Study
Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriott
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But, in 1823, the re- actionary contagion reached Portugal from Spain; the Queen (herself a Spanish Bourbon) and her second son, Don Miguel, strongly favoured the reaction ; the King was compelled to yield; a new ministry took office, and abso- lutism was once more triumphant.
A fierce diplomatic struggle then ensued at Lisbon; the English i>arty being supported by M. de Palmella, the Foreign Minister ; the French by M. de Subs^rra, the Prime Minister. The former immediately applied to Great Br
...itain for the ''aid of a body of troops to give strength and stability to the Government" of Portugal.
No petition co\ild have been more embarrassing to Canning. He was unwilling to refuse the request of a Government connected by so many ties with our own; but to accede to it would have been a direct contravention of the prin- ciples which we had long, though unsuccessfully, urged upon the absolutist Courts of the Conti- nent. Moreover, there was not a single regiment in England available for foreign service.

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George Canning And His Times: a Political Study
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