George Gissing; a Critical Study

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iv Gissing loyally and successfully defends Dickens against the common charge of exagger- 143 GEORGE GISSING ation in the drawing of character ; and he acclaims Dickens's extraordinary power of " see- ing." He knew that the great writer had his characteristic vision of hfe no less than of individual facts ; he was willing to allow Dickens at all times a steady vision of true happenings.
" The novelist's first duty," he explains, " is to make us see what he has seen himself, whether with the act
...ual eye or with that of imagination, and no one ever did this more successfully than Dickens in his best moments." " As a boy or youth Dickens was occupied in seeing ; as a young man he took his pen and began to write of what he had seen." " He knew every stage covered by the travellers ; he saw the gleam of the lamps, the faces they illumined but for a moment ; the very horses brought out fresh were his old acquaintances. Such writing is no mere question of selecting and collocating words ; there must first be vision, and that of extra- ordinary clearness.

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George Gissing; a Critical Study
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