George Moore

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As his landlord was a practical business man he would know that such harmonies were expensive things, but still for the sake of peace he was prepared to evolve a fresh harmony on a new key- note, the landlord of course bearing the expense. He did not know which of his neighbours had made the complaint, so he was sending copies of the letter to all, and if they were not satisfied he would write to the Press and ask the public to judge between his green hall door and the dirty white of the hall d...oors of his neighbours. Mr. Moore's in- vitation was not, as we may imagine, accepted — and his hall door remained an oasis of ten- der green in the desert of Ely Place.
On another occasion, to which I have 109 GEORGE MOORE referred in an earlier chapter, Mr. Moore's cook served him with an unsuccessful ome- lette. Mr. Moore had often explained to his friends that his tastes in food were very simple, that just as Whistler had narrowed down his colours to a couple of tones, so he had narrowed down his carnal appetites to a couple of dishes — an omelette — but it must be properly made, a chop — but it must be properly cooked.

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