Gianni's Pride (2012)

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The book Gianni's Pride was written by author Here you can read free online of Gianni's Pride book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Gianni's Pride a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Gianni's Pride book?
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It did not take a genius to figure out what she was thinking.
‘Relax. This is a simple misunderstanding … a mistake …’ he soothed, making eye contact and experiencing a flicker of shock as he registered the quite extraordinary colour of her wide long-lashed eyes.
Extraordinary enough to make him briefly lose focus—an event in itself for the ultra-controlled Gianni—the deep, dark green made him think of cool, quiet forests, and the tiny flecks of amber recalled dappled sunlight shining through th
...e foliage as she stared at him as though he were a coiled snake about to strike.
‘You mistakenly climbed in through the window and mistakenly took off your clothes and mistakenly got into my bed … That’s a lot of mistakes.’ Mine might be not keeping my big mouth shut, she thought as, picking up some of the slack of the quilt that trailed on the floor, she threw it awkwardly over her shoulder. Her rear now concealed by a heavy fold of fabric, she continued to feel exposed, just not to the elements.

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