Girls of '64

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Girls of '64
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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What reading level is Girls of '64 book?
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On the other hand she had heard talk of hard masters who worked their slaves without consideration; those with whom she had been associated condemned this quite frankly, though as a body they felt that they must uphold the practice of slave-owning no matter what its abuses might be. Indeed they were quite sincere in their belief that their people were unfit to take care of themselves and dreaded the future for them in case the Federal Cause should triumph.
Now, however, the seriousness of the q
...uestion was coming very near to Dorothea. Right in the family was the possibility of a cruel separation. Whatever Mrs. Stewart might have done, and whether she had sold her servants or not, it was quite clear to Doro- thea's keen mind that she had the power to do so, and that in itself did not seem right. Mrs. Stewart might be just as thoughtful of those who were de- pendent upon her as was Aunt Parthenia, but she was sure there must be many throughout the South who would have no such consideration for the un- fortunates over whom the law gave them absolute control.

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