Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3)

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The book Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3) was written by author Here you can read free online of Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3) book?
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Coming out of my orgasmic flashback, it took me a moment to remember where I was. What was happening.
Jaime’s blue eyes were as round as two marbles. “Angel, I see a baby’s head!”
Weakly, I glanced down between my legs. I started sobbing with joy. “Oh, Jaime!”
“Push again,” urged the officer, kneeling next to us.
Using every ounce of strength I could muster, I grunted again and gave another forceful push. Uggggggggh!
On the next harsh breath, I heard a piercing wail, and on one more, a tiny bloo
...d-streaked lifeform was in the officer’s large hands. Loud applause broke out among the crowd gathered around us. Quirking the tiniest of smiles, I kept my heavy-lidded eyes on the beaming uniformed man as he handed the infant to Jaime. My darling looked as if he’d at once seen a ghost and seen God, the expression on his face a mixture of fear and awe. I wanted so badly to run my fingers along his jaw. Exhausted, I just didn’t have the strength.
“Gloria, it’s Paulette.”

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Gloria's Forever (Gloria book 3)
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