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He’d requested a crime scene team to go over the scene of the fire, and further asked Petrillo to pay a call on Beth’s Columbia-based obstetrician to ask about a possible referral to another doctor. He hadn’t wanted to make the drive into the city himself, knowing that he’d never make it out of the house without Clare in tow. No way she’d sit back and get the rest she needed while he worked the investigation.Petrillo had followed up with the ob/gyn. Doctor–patient privilege would have prevented ...him from speaking with Petrillo about Beth at all, but the fact that Beth had been reported missing had secured the doctor’s willingness to divulge that information without a court order.Beth was in the first trimester of her pregnancy. When Petrillo asked about follow-up appointments, the doctor had returned with the response that Beth hadn’t made any. No, he had not referred Beth elsewhere, hadn’t known that she’d planned to relocate and no longer intended to be his patient.Jake had hoped for a follow-up appointment that would give them a time and place to track her.Unfortunately, they hadn’t learned anything useful from the doctor.Jake had checked on Sammie before calling Petrillo.

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