Good Night, Mr. Holmes

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The book Good Night, Mr. Holmes was written by author Here you can read free online of Good Night, Mr. Holmes book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Good Night, Mr. Holmes a good or bad book?
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She did not rise to greet him but remained reclining, rather like a queen who awaits a favored subject.Godfrey was all brusque energy and information. He ignored Irene’s languor and paced, rubbing his hands together, as he brought us up to date.“I have inquired into the matter of your trunks, Miss Adler, by writing to a Paris associate who will contact your friend discreetly. I have no reply as yet, trusting as I am to the post rather than the more efficient cable. Cable would be speedier, but w...ould, of course, leave a trail. I expect a return letter within the week.”Irene nodded regally.“In the meantime, I have made progress in London. I have leased a house—a two-story villa in St. John’s Wood with a charming garden at the back. The rooms are commodious and well furnished. There is a carriage house. I have taken the liberty of engaging a cook-housekeeper, a maid and a driver, given the place’s rural locale.”“St. John’s Wood?” Irene said, frowning.“North of Regent’s Park,”

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