Gossip of the First Decade of Victoria's Reign

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Gossip of the First Decade of Victoria's Reign
Ashton, John, B. 1834. [from Old Catalog]
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— Figure 5.
the left foot ; at the four, bring up the right foot, turning at the same instant, and passing your peirtner over to your left arm from your right arm ; in your next measure, return your lady to your left arm, and so on.
Figure 5. — ^This is termed the back waltz. The step adopted in it by yourself and partner, is the back step des- cribed in figure two, and you turn in this waltz exactly the contrary way to that in which you turn in all other waltzes — hence its name.
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[1844 In La PolkUy before commencing the figures we have just described, there is a short introduction (of which we give a sketch), consisting of four measures, danced thus ; leading your pcurtner from her seat, and giving her her place in the circle, and placing themselves vis-a-viSy you take her left hand in your right, and make the first step four times — first forward, then backward, forward again, and then back- The Drawing-room Polka. — Introduction.
ward, taking ceire to gain ground in the forward steps ; you then start with the first figure.

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Gossip of the First Decade of Victoria's Reign
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