Grady's Wedding (1993)

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The book Grady's Wedding was written by author Here you can read free online of Grady's Wedding book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Grady's Wedding a good or bad book?
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branch, he thought about what Michael had said. He could think about that without the lump in his gut that formed if he let memories of what Paul or Tris had said creep into his consciousness.
At least, he thought about Leslie being different from other women he’d dated. The stuff about his own feelings he decided wasn’t worth thinking about. If he was acting different—and God knows Michael was the only one who thought he might be doing that; Paul, Tris and Leslie had told him often enough he wa
...s acting right in character—it was simply because Leslie was a different type of woman.
And since she was different, what he needed was a different approach.
Stripped of the standby gifts of flowers, candy, wine, perfume or jewelry, Grady felt naked. But far from defeated.
After all, Leslie might have given him the key herself. What had she told him about finding the right gift for Bette and Paul’s housewarming? Think about their lives, think about their likes. Then think about what he could give them that would make them feel good.

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