Grave Sight

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I would be glad when we left it. We were supposed to show up in Ashdown within the next couple of days, and I wanted to keep the appointment. I try to be as professional as my odd calling will permit.There were times we sat in our apartment in St. Louis for two weeks at a stretch. Then the phone would ring steadily, one call right after another. With my work schedule so unpredictable, we had to be ready to get on the road at any time. The dead could wait forever, but the living were always urgen...t.The sheriff called me the next morning right before seven. Normally, I would’ve been out for a run, but the day after I both find a body and get through a storm is going to be a slow day. I peered at the clock before I lifted the receiver. “The body’s Teenie, the lab in Little Rock said,” he told me. He sounded tired, though it was early and he should just have risen from a night’s sleep. “Go pick up your check at Paul Edwards’s office.” He hung up. He didn’t say, “And never come here again,”

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