Great Britain's Measures Against German Trade

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In my opinion it shows that the amount of leakage in the trade passing from overseas through these neutral countries to the enemy is, considering all the facts of the case, much less than might have been supposed. The general tendency of the report is to show that the maximum which can be done is being done without serious trouble with neutral countries,' founded upon the idea that you are really inter- fering with their supplies.
Sir H. JDalziel : Can we see that report 1 Sir E. Grey : No, the
... report cannot be pub- lished. You cannot make these inquiries and publish the information obtained without its being known to the enemy! If it is known to the enemy your power of getting further informa- tion, and of watching what is going on — ^the actual facts even of what is going on is useful to the enemy — will be diminished. I do not, however, see any objection to the report being shown in a way in which knowledge of it can- not get to the enemy. There is nothing in the report to conceal from people who are looking at the matter, and examining it from the point of view from which the House is examining it this afternoon.

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