Greyfriars Bobby

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The book Greyfriars Bobby was written by author Here you can read free online of Greyfriars Bobby book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Greyfriars Bobby a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Greyfriars Bobby book?
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There the street widened to the great square of the esplanade. The cavalry wheeled and dashed down High Street, but the infantry marched on and up, over the sounding drawbridge that spanned a dry moat of the Middle Ages, and through a deep-arched gateway of masonry.
The outer gate to the Castle was wider than the opening into many an Edinburgh wynd ■ but Bobby stopped, uncertain as to where this narrow roadway, that curved upward to the right, might lead. It was not a dark fissure in a cliff of
... houses, but was bounded on the outer side by a loopholed wall, and on the inner by a rocky ledge of ascending levels. Wherever the shelf was of sufficient breadth a battery of cannon was mounted, and such a flood of light fell from above and flashed on polished steel and brass as to make the little dog blink in bewilderment.
215 GREYFRIARS BOBBY And he whirled like a rotary sweeper in the dusty road and yelped when the time-gun, in the haK- moon battery at the left of the gate and behind him, crashed and shook the massive rock.

What to read after Greyfriars Bobby?
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