Grid Down: a Strike Against America - An Emp Survival Story- book Two

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He and some of his top enforcers were beginning to take their jobs more seriously as self-proclaimed officials. They had gotten away with so much so far, and the townspeople were nothing if not broken. Nothing had yet gotten in their way. Resistance was nonexistent. Outside police and military forces had not yet interfered in their plans. This was strange considering news from the city, where rumors of a militarized zone had reached the ears of many.  Tartarus had been in existence for two and a... half months. During that time, the town had had no power, running water, or working vehicles. They were off the grid—isolated and segregated from any nearby populated areas. Completion of the wall ensured that much. It also prevented escape among the townspeople. What is running a town when you have no people to control? There was also a litany of problems to attend to. Winter was at their heels, and there was no oil or electricity to heat their homes.
    No coal or wood furnaces or heaters, either.

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Grid Down: a Strike Against America - An Emp Survival Story- book Two
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