Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles And Fishes

Cover Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles And Fishes
Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles And Fishes
British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology
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[Case 42.] shock voluntary, when it is excited to do so in self-defence or intends to stun or to kill its prey ; but to receive the shock the object must complete the galvanic circuit by communicating with the fish at two distinct points, either directly or through the medium of some conducting body. It is said that a painful Fig. 96.
1 m Electric Kay (Totyedo mminorata). (From the Mediterranean.) sensation may be produced by a discharge conveyed through the medium of a stream of water. The ele
...ctric currents created in these fishes exercise all the other known powers of electricity : they render the needle magnetic, decompose chemical com- pounds, and emit the spark. The dorsal surface of the electric organ is positive, the ventral negative. This family contains several genera, of which Torpedo is the best known. Of the latter six species are known, distributed over the Atlantic and Indian Digitized by VjOOQ IC RATS.
109 Oceans ; three of them are rather common in the Mediterranean, and one {T.

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