Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History)

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No. 15. BULLFINCH. (Pyrrhula europsea.) A resident in Western and Central Europe and generally distributed in wooded districts throughout Great Britain and Ireland. A white- thorn hedge or fork of some evergreen bush or tree, for choice a box or yew, are among the sites selected for the nest, which is a slenderly constructed platform of thin dry twigs lined with fine roots and hair woven into a shallow cup. The eggs, four or five in number, are laid in the early part of May.
...hire, May.
Gould Collection.
(Chloris chloris.) A common and well-known resident in the cultivated and wooded districts of the British Islands. The nest, a somewhat loose structure of coarse fibrous roots, moss, and wool, with a lining of hair and feathers, is placed in hedges, shrubs, and evergreens, or even in trees.
From four to six eggs are laid at the end of April or early in May, and two broods are often reared in the season.
Sufi'olk, May.
Presented by Dr.

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